FIPs are a structured approach for proposing and agreeing upon modifications to the OpenRealm protocol. They draw inspiration from Ethereum’s EIPs and Python’s PEPs. The FIP process allows for proposals related to:

Procedural Changes: Alterations in the protocol’s operational processes, such as release schedules. Standards: Introducing or modifying standards, like URI formats for onchain assets. Implementation Adjustments: Adding new features or making changes to the existing protocol.

0A proposal for making proposals@wvrld
1Canonical URIs@wvrld
2Flexible targets for messages@wvrld
4ENS Usernames@wvrld
5Instant Recovery@wvrld
6Flexible Storage@wvrld
7Onchain Signers@wvrld
8Verifications for Contract Wallets@wvrld
9Globally Unique Verifications@wvrld